The Patton & Shabokin WTP project consists of full construction of two new 1.44-MGD water treatment plants, the Patton Water Treatment Plant and the Shabokin Water Treatment Plant, in Devens, Massachusetts. The project delivery method will be design-bid-build.
The water treatment plant building sizes and layouts will be generally the same and the treatment process will be identical.
The treatment process includes a GreensandPlus™ pressure filtration system for iron and manganese removal, Granular Activated Carbon filters and Ion Exchange contact chambers for PFAS removal, chemical feed systems, backwash recycling system, settled solids waste system, baffled clearwell and ancillary equipment and controls at both water treatment plants.
Also included in the project is the construction of a new raw and finished water main piping, stormwater control systems, site restoration and miscellaneous work and cleanup to provide two complete and fully operational water treatment plants.